Drop Lines

"While you are doing a juggling show, or for other situations, things are going to happen. As a juggler, undoubtedly there will be times when you drop. You can't just pass it off like nothing happened, at least part of the audience saw it. Cover the drop with comedy or facial and body expressions. Let the audience know - that you know - that they know - you dropped.
Here are some ideas to start with. Use these and develop your own lines by combining a few of them together." -- Kit Summers

Some drop lines: (names cited are merely those who sent in suggestions to myself or rec.juggling, not necessarily the original authors of the phrase)

Jeff Napier writes:
"One time I had to do a passing routine with another juggler with whom I had never rehearsed. We decided we'd just start some music and pass four-count jazz for the duration of the song. We had also not rehearsed any sort of introduction for the piece. I had to say some sort of intro, and I knew I wasn't going to have any luck with a sudden comedy inspiration - not that I ever have. So I simply said something to this effect, "We're now going to show you how jugglers play. We'll drop these things quite a bit. Don't worry, it's all part of the show."
Well, we did drop, yet we got a tremendous response. You see, we took the pressure, the concern, off the audience. We told them it was alright to get into it, to enjoy the show, even if it was messy. That made an absolute world of difference. I have used the technique many times since.
Of course, comedy drop lines are always a good addition to this technique."

Dusty Glabraith writes:
One of mine for school shows is telling how I've trained one ball, usually the yellow one, to do a trick.
Throw that ball straight up, not too high, and let it drop. Shout "STAY" and get the kids to shout with you. That gives them the drop line and keeps them paying attention waiting for the next drop.
Many thank to Elliot Cutler aka the Plunger Guy for this approach.

Don Wagner writes:
My favorite drop line for a club is:
"I have spent months teaching the club tricks. If everyone can loudly count to three, the club will jump from the ground into my hand." (I then get the club in a position to do a kick-up) "1..2..3" (nothing happens)
(pick out a specific person if they were not saying anything) "You didn't say anything. Let try again with everyone a lot louder"
OR (to all the audience) "You need to be A LOT LOUDER"
1..2..3.. Do the kick-up.

John Dalbey writes:
my favorite drop line. I saw it used by a street juggler in Berkeley.
There were a lot of college students watching the performance.
He dropped a club, and while continuing to juggle the remaining clubs, says "that's okay, it gives me a chance to show off a trick I call "the pickup." While still juggling, he edges over to stand in front of the dropped club. He glances down at the club on the ground. His body language leads the audience to anticipate a kick-up or something clever. Suddenly he stops juggling completely, walks over to a co-ed in the circle of spectators and addressing her says "Hey, wanna go out with me?"
While the audience was laughing he quickly scooted back to the club and picked it up and resumed juggling.